Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rough Coon Hunting on Five Mile Run

On most Friday evenings during the Coon Hunting Competition Hunt Season, My best hunting buddies, Mark and Gary, would join Oxbow Hill Bell and I for one good coon chase to check Bell out for the hunt on Saturday. This could be the last hunt to make Bell, Grand Night Champion.

The three of us Trout fished Five Mile Run more than most other places, but we never coon hunted on that creek. The area was brushy, a lot of cut over timber, and very rough terrain. We were sure Bell would find an tough old coon to trail along that stream. She needed to have a hard to follow coon trail to sharpen her for the next hunt. The weather and temperature was perfect for a good run and not over tire Bell.

We arrived at five Mile Run and walked up an old railroad bed near the creek. We had not walked far Bell struck trail and the chase was on. The coon stayed in the creek or near the creek until they got into the cut over timber. The coon circled the worst of the cut over and back tracked himself, swam the creek and headed up a steep hill to more cut over timber, into a corn field, more back tracking in the corn field and back to the creek. After about an hour the coon went up a tree. Bell did her job well. we let her tree for a while before we went to her, and saw the coon. I told Bell to go to the truck and we left the coon in the tree.

As we walked the old grade toward the truck Bell was ahead of us just enjoying the night. A porcupine wandered out of the brush near Bell. She ran over and collected some quills in her face, mouth, and chest. She ran toward us with more quills than were left in the porcupine.

All three of us tried to help her by holding her down and pulling quills. Mark had hurt his at work that day and his hand was wrapped. Bell grabbed that hand and as each quill was pulled she bit harder, Mark just let her bite to relieve her pain.

Gary headed for the truck to get it and pick us up. He tripped on something on the way to the truck and may have broken his ankle. It took quite some time before he got back to us. I was OK so we loaded up and headed for town. When I called the wives and told them Gary and Mark was at the Hospital and Bell was at the vets, but I was OK. They just laughed and told it served us right, but they would be there in a while.

It was a bad night for a coon hunt, but we will always tell about the chase that old coon gave us. We don't talk about the damage to the hunters and Bell.

Yes Bell won her grand night champion the next night. She was 11 months and three days old.

By: Cmbluetick | Coon Hunting Supplies

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